Tuesday 13 November 2007

Gok Wan

'I don't want people to think that they can't do it without Gok'

Gok Wan interviewed in The Observer, 4th November 2008.

Friday 19 October 2007

Craig David

'It's hard to believe the same Craig David who was in his bedroom in Southampton writing "Fill Me In" a few months ago is now performing it to 100,000 people at the Party in the Park'.

Craig David

Quoted in This is London

Alan Whicker

"So how long could Whicker's luck hold?"

Alan Whicker

As quoted in the Guardian.

Bob Dole

"I don't think people think Bob Dole is that bad."

Bob Dole.

As quoted in National Review.

Rob Howley

'I've never gone out to play for Rob Howley and never will'.

'When I was captain of Wales the performance of the side was first and the performance of Rob Howley was second.'

Rob Howley.

Quoted in This is London.

Rio Ferdinand

"The TV, the music, the fashion — it all goes to make up Rio Ferdinand."

Rio Ferdinand. As seen in the Times

We didn't realise it had a name

Here's a wikipedia entry on 'illeism' - referring to yourself in the third person.